The goal of the CanAm Virtual Racing League is to promote fun, competitive racing with a spirit of respect and integrity. Our focus is on realism, with an emphasis on Driver Etiquette.
In order to achieve this goal a set of specific Sporting Regulations has been defined to govern all aspects of competition within the league. This document outlines the sporting regulations and procedures for a race weekend. The document covers General Regulations, Practice Sessions, Qualifying Session, Race Day and Penalties. Any questions regarding these regulations should be directed to a League Panel member.
1.1. This section outlines the basic regulations for our league. Car specific regulations are detailed in the Technical Regulations section.
1.2 Voice Chat
1.2.A Use of Voice Chat systems during events is considered mandatory.
1.2.B Drivers must be able to communicate with others on the track.
1.2.C Failure to use Voice Chat may result in a driver's suspension.
1.2.D Outside of official events, drivers will use our Discord voice channels as the primary voice app.
1.2.E During official events drivers must be able to use the iRacing voice chat system.
1.2.F All Race Control messages will be broadcast over the in-game system.
1.3 Driver Aids
1.3.A Driving Aids will always be set to "Disallow all driving aids (but clutch assist OK)".
1.3.B This means that if a particular car has a specific Aid in real life, such as TCS or ABS, it will be available in the game.
1.4 Pitting
1.4.A Each track has clear markings indicating the pit entrance and exit lanes.
1.4.B On most tracks, this is a solid white line.
1.4.C Drivers entering or exiting the pits may not cross outside this white line and drivers racing on the track may not cross inside this white line.
1.4.D Doing so in a race may result in a penalty.
1.4.E We will utilize the in game penalty system to monitor this.
1.5 Basic Room Settings
1.5.A For all official events we will utilize a single Private Server.
1.5.B This server will support a maximum of 43 drivers The room will have the following settings:
1.5.C Open Practice Session = 30 Minutes
1.5.D Starting Track State = Moderate (50%), Automatically clean marbles
1.5.E Open Qualifying Session = 15 minutes
1.5.F Qualifying Conduct Scrutiny = Strict
1.5.G Starting Track State = Carried over
1.5.H Race Session = 75 Minute
1.5.I Starting Track State = Carried over
1.5.J Weather = Dynamic Skies, Dynamic Weather
1.5.K Time Progression = 1x
1.5.L Incident Limit = 17x (P), 5x (P)
1.5.M Starting Type = Rolling Start
1.5.N Fast Repairs = 1
1.5.O Cautions = Race Control, no lucky dog
1.5.O Restarts = Single file, lapped keep positions
1.6 Practice Sessions
1.6.A Practices will be governed by the same regulations as a race day session.
1.6.B Three official league practice nights will be scheduled for the week prior to the league race.
1.6.C These practices will be public sessions, and will occur on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the official race being on Saturday.
1.6.D Practice sessions will run from 9:00 PM EST until 00:00 AM EST
1.6.E Practice sessions will be set for “Practice Only”. This allows coverage for both east and west coast members.
1.6.D Any league member that decides to host a practice session must ensure they are familiar with all of the above settings, as well as the Time of Day settings for the official event in order to ensure the practice session duplicates the official race day conditions.
2.1 This season will replicate the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge series. All drivers will be using the same car class, in the form of:
2.1.A GT4
2.1.B No other cars are eligible or available during this season.
2.1.C Cars will not be restricted in their fuel capacity
2.1.D Drivers will not be required to make any tire changes.
2.1.E Tire and Fuel strategies will be completely open for all drivers.
2.1.F The TCR class will be driven by a custom A.I. driver roster.
3.1 Drivers are required to be registered to this website, as all formal and official communications will be done here.
3.2 The use of our Discord server is optional, although encouraged, particularly for voice comms during races.
3.3 Formal and official communications will be done using the various tools found on this website (News posts, Forums, Calendar, etc.).
3.4 Drivers must be registered with the league within iRacing in order to participate, as it is a private league.
4.1 The Qualifying session will be set for a total of 15 minutes.
4.2 Qualifying session will be a timed session, with drivers having the full 15 minutes available to them.
5.1 For each scheduled event, the server will open automatically at 9:30PM Eastern Time on race day.
5.2 Once the event is started all elements are automated and cannot be interrupted.
5.3 Any driver who is not in the room in time, and is therefore unable to join the race, will be scored as a DNS (Did Not Start).
5.4 Race Starting Procedures
5.4.A We will utilize the in game rolling start procedures.
5.4.B All aspects are well managed and controlled by the game.
5.4.C Tire warming during the pace lap is permitted, however fuel saving measures such as shutting off the engine is not permitted.
5.5 Caution Periods
5.5.A During the first 5 Green Flag laps of every race any driver that is involved in a multi-car incident may call for a caution.
5.5.B Cautions may only be called for incidents involving 2 or more cars, and there will only be one caution period per race.
5.5.C Any of the drivers involved in the multi-car incident can call for caution
5.5.D All drivers immediately reduce speed to 75MPH (120KPH)
5.5.E All drivers maintain their position at the time the caution was called
5.5.F Race Control will throw an in-game caution
5.5.F Caution procedures will be managed by the game from this point on
5.5.G Tire warming is permitted; fuel saving by shutting engine off is NOT.
5.5.H Once a caution period has been called for during a race, no further caution periods will be permitted. Local yellow flag rules will apply from that point on.
5.5.I Once all cars have started lap 6 no caution periods will be permitted. The caution period is only available during laps 1 - 5.
5.6 Local Yellow Flags
5.6.A we will utilize the Local Yellow Flag rule from lap 6 until the end of each race.
5.6.B Drivers are NOT permitted to overtake any other drivers in a local yellow zone.
5.6.C When an incident is observed on track, or announced via voice chat, the section from the corner before the incident to the corner after the incident are considered to be the Yellow Flag Zone.
5.6.D The process will work as follows:
5.6.E Drivers who have damage and are limping back to pits must make this clear via voice chat, and must remain well off of the racing line.
5.6.F Any driver who overtakes another driver under a Local Yellow condition must give back the position immediately or face points penalties post-race.
5.7 Racing Surface
5.7.A The racing surface is defined as the paved area between the solid white (or yellow) lines.
5.7.B Drivers MUST keep 2 tires on the racing surface at all times.
5.7.C If there is a permanent curb, the curb is NOT considered part of the racing surface.
5.7.D Two tires MUST remain inside the white lines.
5.7.E It is forbidden to gain an advantage by reducing the length of the circuit.
5.7.F It is forbidden to gain an advantage by increasing the length of the circuit.
5.7.G Paved areas outside of the solid white or yellow lines are Run-Off areas and are NOT considered part of the racing surface.
5.7.H All pit lane markings must be observed.
5.7.I Drivers entering or leaving the pits must keep all 4 tires below the pit entry and exit lines so as to avoid causing an incident with on track cars.
5.7.J All in game track limit penalties will be in use.
5.7.K Drive through penalty after first 17 incident points (17X)
5.7.L Additional drive through penalties after every additional 5 incident points (5X)
6.1 Passing General
6.1.A The responsibility for the decision to pass another car, and to do it safely, rests with the overtaking driver.
6.1.B The overtaken driver should be aware that he/she is being passed and must not impede the pass by blocking.
6.1.C A driver who does not watch his/her mirrors or who appears to be blocking another car seeking a pass may be black-flagged and/or penalized.
6.1.D The act of passing is initiated when the trailing car’s (Car A) front bumper overlaps with the lead car’s (Car B ) rear bumper.
6.1.E The act of passing is complete when Car A’s rear bumper is ahead of Car B’s front bumper.
6.1.F “NO PASSING” means a pass cannot even be initiated.
6.1.G Any overlap in a NO PASSING area is considered illegal.
6.2 Punting
6.2.A The term “punting” is defined as nose to tail (or side-of-the-nose to side-of-the-tail) contact, where the leading car is significantly knocked off of the racing line.
6.2.B Once the trailing car has its front wheel next to the driver of the other vehicle, it is considered that the trailing car has a right to be there.
6.2.C Once overlap exists, the leading driver must leave the trailing driver enough “racing room.”
6.2.D Racing room is defined as “at least three quarters of one car width.”
6.2.E If adequate racing room is left for the trailing car, and there is incidental contact made between the cars, the contact will be considered “side-to-side.”
6.2.F In most cases, incidental side-to-side contact is considered to be “just a racing incident.”
6.2.G If, in the case of side-to-side contact, one of the two cars leaves the racing surface (involuntarily) then it may still be considered “a racing incident.”
6.3 Right to the Line
6.3.A The driver in front has the right to choose any line, as long as they are not considered to be blocking.
6.3.B The driver attempting to make a pass shall have the right to the line when their front wheel is next to the driver of the other vehicle.
6.4 Blocking
6.4.A A driver may choose to protect his or her line so long as it is not considered blocking.
6.5.B Blocking is defined as two (2) consecutive line changes to “protect his/her line,” and in doing so, impedes the vehicle that is trying to pass with each of the two (2) consecutive movements.
NOTE: Rules for Overtaking have been taken directly from the NASA (National Auto Sports Association) rule set (section 25.4). For their complete rules, please see
6.5 Lapped Traffic
6.5.A CanAm VRL utilizes a "Blue Flag" rule philosophy regarding lap traffic.
6.5.B This means that drivers who are being lapped by higher placed cars must yield way to those faster cars.
6.5.C This is the same approach and philosophy that is used in all real world forms of road racing.
6.5.D Every reasonable effort must be made to allow the faster car to pass within 3 corners.
6.5.D The lapped car should yield the inside line of the corner to allow the leading car by.
6.5.C Lead car drivers MUST be aware of any positional battles that the lapped cars may be involved in.
6.5.D Every reasonable effort must be made to NOT interfere with these battles.
6.5.E Ensure that you can clear both cars as quickly as possible. The previously mentioned Rules For Overtaking still apply as well.
6.5.F It is the passing driver's responsibility to ensure the pass is completed safely.
6.5.G The in game Blue Flag system will be in use, including any penalties applied automatically by the game for failing to heed the blue flag.
6.6 No Passing Zones
6.6.A Each track will have designated "No Passing zones".
6.6.B These no passing zones are areas where there is a high risk of incident between cars of different classes due to the speed differentials, as well as handling and performance differentials between these cars.
6.6.C These zones will be identified prior to each race.
6.6.D In these zones, cars of different classes will be prohibited from overtaking one another.
6.6.E Cars within the same class are free to race each other in these zones.
6.6.F The purpose for these "no passing" zones is to prevent faster class cars from causing an incident, or forcing the slower class cars off track.
6.6.G Any driver ignoring the designated zone and causing an incident in one of these zones with a car from another class will be subject to disciplinary actions.
7.1 CanAm VRL uses a single points system for both the Driver's and Team's Points standings.
7.2 Each driver earns points based on their finishing order in the Main Event race.
7.3 Team points will be based on a combination of Drivers points.
7.4 CanAm VRL will utilize the new for 2021 IMSA official points system as defined within iRacing.
7.5 Driver's Points
7.5.A Race points allocations are per the IMSA scoring structure, and can be found from within the League info on iRacing.
7.5.B In the event that a driver is able to start the weekend event, but is unable to complete the race (technical or network issues) that driver will automatically be scored based on his/her position at the end of the race.
7.5.C If the driver is disconnected early and everyone continues on, that driver will earn lowest place points.
7.5.D If the driver is disconnected near the end of the race then laps completed by all drivers will need to be looked at.
7.5.E If the disconnected driver has completed more laps than another driver then he/she will be scored appropriately.
7.6 Qualifying Points
7.5.A CanAm VRL will utilize the new for 2021 IMSA points system for qualifying results. as defined within iRacing
7.5.B For each race, drivers will be awared points based on their qualifying postion at as per IMSA standards
8.1 All races will be reviewed, by the panel members, via the use of the game’s replay system
8.2 Panel members will use the week following the race to review any issues or concerns.
8.3 Any driver wishing to report a concern to the panel must do so no later than Midnight Eastern Time on the Wednesday following the race.
8.4 This allows the panel members time to review and investigate as needed before meeting on Sunday night.
8.5 Review requests can be submitted to any panel member via the Private Message function on the website, Private message via Discord, or via email to
8.6 In order to accommodate this submission and review process, no official points will be posted until the Sunday of the weekend following the race event (8 days post-race).
8.7 Penalties
8.7.A For the majority of situations, we will rely on the in game penalties system to provide enforcement of rules.
8.7.B Each race will also be reviewed by members of the league leadership (Race Control).
8.7.C If necessary, Race Control will issue penalties to drivers who fail to adhere to the rules of the league.
8.7.D Any penalties received by a driver will only apply to the Driver's Points standings and will not impact the Team Points when those points are used.
8.7.E For the context of these penalties an incident is defined as anything that risks the safe progression of a driver during the race. This could include, but is not limited to:
8.8 Minor Infractions - Most are now applied by the game automatically
8.8.A Short cutting the track (Exceeding track limits)
8.8.B Jumping the start
8.8.C Jumping the restart after a caution
8.8.D Failing to observe the pit lane lines (not resulting in an on track incident). This is considered equivalent to short cutting the track, as well as being a potential safety hazard
8.8.E Fuel saving during a caution (not resulting in an incident)
8.8.F Pitting while pits are deemed to be CLOSED.
8.9 Major Infractions - Applied by Panel following post race review
8.9.A Overly aggressive driving resulting in an on track incident
8.9.B Hindering or interfering with the progress of another car in any manner other than normal racing between competitors (for example, a back marker holding up a leader).
8.9.C Blocking - A driver may choose to protect his or her line so long as it is not considered blocking.
8.9.D Blocking is defined as two (2) consecutive line changes to “protect his/her line,” and in doing so, impedes the vehicle that is trying to pass with each of the two (2) consecutive movements.
8.9.E Failing to observe the pit lane lines, resulting in an on track incident
8.9.F Fuel saving during a caution (resulting in an incident)
8.9.G Failure to acknowledge or abide by the Caution period
8.10 Race Control may assign additional penalties beyond the in-game penalties for incidents deemed minor in nature.
8.10.A Minimum Penalty = Verbal or written warning.
8.10.B Maximum Penalty = 50 Driver's point deduction per incident
8.10.C Additional non-points penalties as deemed appropriate for the severity/number of the incidents
8.11 Panel members may assign additional penalties beyond the in-game penalties for incidents deemed major in nature.
8.11.A Minimum penalty = 50 Driver's point deduction per incident
8.11.B Maximum Penalty = 100 Driver's point deduction per incident
8.11.C Additional non-points penalties as deemed appropriate for the severity/number of the incidents, including potential suspension.
8.12 These are the minimum penalties the panel may issue.
8.13 The panel reserves the right to issue more severe penalties for more severe infractions or to a driver committing multiple infractions.
8.14 Car Change Penalties
8.14.A Once a driver has selected a car they are committed to that car for the entire season.
8.14.B Drivers can change cars at any time prior to the first race of the season without restriction, however once the first formal practice session for the first event of the season has started any car changes will result in a driver points penalty.
8.14.C Each driver will receive a 100 point Driver's Points penalty for the first race with the new car
8.14.D Each driver will not be permitted to post a qualifying time for the first race with the new car, and will start from the back of the grid.
8.14.E Qualifying points will not be awarded for the first race with the new car